~~* Rustic Warmth - A Taupe Throw *~~
A unobtrusive look for comfort and warmth
The predominant tendency for angora goats is to produce white mohair. For many centuries, long before the angora goat migrated to the United States, a common practice in the Near East was to cull angoras that revealed even a hint of color in their fleece. They were destroyed at birth.
This is why the vast majority of angora goats in the world are pure white. This procedure had a practical application and in many places is carried on even to this day. White mohair takes dye very well and guarantees an even colored cloth for garments and commercial sale. The addition of color to the massive fleece pool degraded the ability of the commercial buyer to produce an even color cloth.
Subtle yarn texture variations in a light weave
But what of the colored angora goat? Color in nature is always associated with some practical function. More often than not it is directly influences the survivability of a species. Color is often a device of camouflage. White is used in seasons or regions of snow. The red, black, browns for seasons and environments requiring stealth as a predator or camouflage as a prey. It was natures tool to keep life going for many thousands of species. It always attracted or distracted attention for some practical purpose.
Man intervened extensively in the case of the angora goat. Indeed, some highly respected shepherds are of the persuasion that this most delicate of animals is practically man made. The colored angora goat breeder is up against thousands of years of selective breeding and culling to restore color to this breed. The very rare "throwback" of color that is born of purebred herds is now highly prized and worth considerable money among a small eccentric niche in agriculture. Welcome to Singing Falls which is notoriously famous for going upstream in its efforts.
A beautiful doe in full fleece
Here we have a beautiful angora goat doe showing the characteristic "faded red" quality found among the modern day colored angora goat herd. She does not sport the deeper red color that is often coveted but her fleece character and body type warrant here a special place of honor here at Singing Falls. Her mohair is of an off white hue of the type you see in the taupe colored throw imaged above. Still, her color genetics are very apparent in the light red coloration of her "self". It shows in her ears especially.
Price: $425 - $575 depending on size and weight
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