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The True
Will Find
The Great





~~*  Pilgrimage to the Golden City  *~~


image of author

This story represents a modern spiritual odyssey. It has been written because I'm persuaded that it is vitally relevant to our times. There are many like myself who have desired a meaningful life and especially are seeking answers to the perplexities of our world. The consequences of our pilgrimages are never-ending in their scope and my heartfelt desire is to influence you toward the great treasures that are freely within reach of us all. I want to do this in a fashion that will lend credibility to ancient truths that, after having found them, I discovered were often unnecessarily poorly represented. Please take the time to read this carefully in its entirety and with thought. The details are complex and the stakes are high. I wouldn't want to mislead you. A printer friendly text only version is available for printing and can be found here.

Although some of these places and events will seem extraordinary to some of you, or perhaps entirely alien, this narrative is not as foreign as you may think. You are a part of what I've gone through, even if you do not realize it. I am fully convinced that every human being is a participant in a greater spiritual drama unfolding at this very moment. Where you are in this drama and our relationship in it, is what I desire to influence with good intent.

There is an ever-expanding segment of our society who are familiar with the concepts and language of this journey. They exert their influence in every strata of our culture. To you who relate on some level to the paths I have walked, I encourage you to carefully examine the steps I have taken and then to communicate with me if it strikes a chord in your heart.

With regard to this presentation; I have by necessity made it as brief as possible without loosing any of the really significant elements. It is as it were a view of the mountain peaks of the journey with details and nuances often hidden in the valleys. The index below is provided for your convenience. Simply click on any of the hyperlinks below and it will direct you to that place in the story. So without further delay, here is the Pilgrimage to the Golden City.



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Some of the images of Nepal and Egypt are here gratefully acknowledged as sourced freely from the WWW. Any of my personal art work or personal images are enclosed within the Creative Commons License


Stanley & Alexandra Petrowski
34620 Tiller Trail Hwy.
Tiller, Oregon 97484