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~~*  The Singing Falls Stream Restoration Project  *~~


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~~*  Project Implementation Phase-Boulder Staging and Placement  *~~


Image Gallery Link Located Below Text
Aquatic Habitat Restoration-Cultivating the Domestic/Wilderness Interface

For the Joe Hall Restoration boulders were mandatory. So great was the damage done by logging and the timber mill located at the lower end of the stream that more permanent and engineered structures were needed. This was especially deemed necessary since the lower reaches of the stream were surrounded by domestic dwellings and in close proximity to Tiller Trail Hwy with its box culvert.

Water can exert tremendous force. The physics of hydraulics is fairly well understood and we have all seen images of the drastic effects of flooding. With that in mind Maureen Joplin, USFS hydrologist, designed boulder structures to help manage the famous winter torrents of Oregon. Flooding at various stages is a yearly event here. Boulders weirs are a good tool to direct such raging waters to the benefit of the stream and the fish who need refuge during high stream flows.

The images of the boulder staging gallery will give you an idea of the logistics of boulder transport and staging. It includes images of unique structures and strategies used in the habitat restoration project.


Click on the link to access the gallery.
Boulder Staging and Placement Image Gallery Free Restoration Guidelines
an excavator for boulder placement

Boulders to tame winter torrents near private property.


Stanley & Alexandra Petrowski
34620 Tiller Trail Hwy.
Tiller, Oregon 97484